MUMBAI: The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena corporator Nitin Nikam, who had in full public view and before the television cameras repeatedly slapped a 65-year-old private contractor, was arrested on Monday.
However, he was soon thereafter released on bail.
The MNS corporator had assaulted D G Patil, the contractor, over water shortage in Ganeshwadi locality in Mumbai and for the alleged delay in fixing the leakage of a water pipeline which was adding to the woes of the people in the locality.
The corporator, it is learnt, was arrested for 'wrongful restraint'.
The slapping incident was flashed by television news channels and the video also has gone viral on the internet.
Media reports suggest that MNS chief Raj Thackeray was 'upset' over the shocking incident where a senior citizen was mercilessly slapped. The MNS, however, has not issued any apology for the incident.
Despite the arrest and the bail, the MNS maintains that private contractors take public money by do not do their job conscientiously.
However, he was soon thereafter released on bail.
The MNS corporator had assaulted D G Patil, the contractor, over water shortage in Ganeshwadi locality in Mumbai and for the alleged delay in fixing the leakage of a water pipeline which was adding to the woes of the people in the locality.
The corporator, it is learnt, was arrested for 'wrongful restraint'.
The slapping incident was flashed by television news channels and the video also has gone viral on the internet.
Media reports suggest that MNS chief Raj Thackeray was 'upset' over the shocking incident where a senior citizen was mercilessly slapped. The MNS, however, has not issued any apology for the incident.
Despite the arrest and the bail, the MNS maintains that private contractors take public money by do not do their job conscientiously.
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